
one of those mondays.

so yeah, it calls for one of those half-@$$ posts.
random pics!  
my daughter's artwork was one of 4 chosen from her class.  it's showing at the art gallery in town which we visited this weekend. 
i'm pretty much driving around all day, everyday.  sometimes it's essential to wear something not as...boring as the errands i'm running.  a pair of bright yellow pants does it.
i've been subconsciously obsessed with daisies.  i ordered the left top and i was gifted the right top - which i picked out myself.  they both arrived in the mail the same day and noticed the similarity while i was hanging them.  i just ordered another daisy embroidered top last night that i've been waiting to be available.
 the girls' spring break just started and it's supposed to rain all week here.  today was the only day i'd be able to take pics but i got really lazy.  it still looks a little cold outside and to be honest, i'd rather be at home finishing a whole baguette and a whole container of hummus to myself. and i've also gotten addicted the game draw something.  oh well, rainy weather kind of stuff.  

1 comment:

  1. haha I love/loathe these kind of days... love the daisies though!

